Debunking a Common Wetsuit Myth
Neoprene wetsuits are an amazing invention, allowing wearers to stay warm in chilly waters that they would otherwise never be able to withstand for any length of time. But there’s a common myth about how…
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Did you know that the Appalachian Mountain Club works with the National Park Service? AMC has worked with the NPS on a variety of projects, from building trails in Acadia National Park to educating visitors...
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Neoprene wetsuits are an amazing invention, allowing wearers to stay warm in chilly waters that they would otherwise never be able to withstand for any length of time. But there’s a common myth about how…
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My first climbing shoes squished my feet and crunched my toes in throbbing misery. I quickly learned that crushing toe pain isn’t exactly compatible with fun or motivation—and climbed a lot less as a result….
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Removing a hook from a fish can be a traumatic experience for both the fish and the one who hooked it, but there’s good news for fly fishing enthusiasts who want to learn catch and…
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Hidden beneath dirt trails and covered by lush forests and colorful mosses and lichens lies the infrastructure of the Northeast’s best hiking: massive rock formations. Often this foundation goes unnoticed. But in some special spots,…
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There’s something satisfying about the J stroke. The subtle nature of it, how just a small turn of your wrist can provide gentle course correction and keep the boat pointed in the right direction. It’s…
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There’s no question that a good pair of poles is a boon for staying on your feet and balanced while out snowshoeing, especially if you’re tromping around in uneven terrain or snow conditions. But what…
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As an avid skate skier, I have been closely following the imminent arrival of winter, snow, and miles of beautifully groomed cross-country ski trails. Here are a few of the online resources I use to…
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I had the biggest wildlife encounter of my life last winter on the cross-country ski trails of Anchorage, Alaska. I skied by a moose calmly browsing in the willows near the trail. As I passed…
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Are you a bicyclist or runner? Do you want to reduce your chances of being hit by a car? Consider this: The brightest, most visible color you can wear during daylight hours is fluorescent yellow-green….
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Fight for the future of winter! ❄️ Help protect the last snow-covered landscapes by supporting AMC's critical climate research and conservation advocacy.